Sunday, April 2, 2006

After lunch musings

Me and Lyddie have just had lunch at a lovely ouzeri in the centre (Nautiliaki if you must know) in which we ate grilled octopus and chips - her favourite - along with roka salad and fava dip. Now its time for her to play on the swings and for me to do a bit of blogging live from a cafe. I know, I know I'm repeating myself but I rteally can't get over it. It's kind of the twenty - first century's answer to hanging out in a Paris bistro/cafe/salon and working on your latest magnum opus. Or not as the case may be.

Still I love the idea of writing this while watching the world stroll by, seeing people chat, laugh and flirt.

Now I don't feel guilty about buying the ibook as it has wi-fi and a really great battery life. i.e 4 to 5 hours in the real world.

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