Monday, June 5, 2006

Course outline

Over the next week or so I'm going to try and organise some of the ideas I've had on this blog into a more coherent form. What form these ideas will take and in which way I am going to put them on the internet, I haven't decided yet. The basic idea is that I want to design a 10 - week, ten - hour or so introduction to web 2.0 (and not only) tools which can be used with upper intermediate and advanced EFL/ESL students with limited technical knowledge. It could also be tweaked in order to introduce teachers as well to such concepts.

The ideas are already sprinkled about my blog in a haphazard fashion, so what I want to do is pull them together, give more teaching guidance and publish them in something like Wiki. I'll let you know more details when I have things clearer in my own mind (it's still in the scribbled notes stage).

The aim is to provide hands on introduction to;

basic internet (email, IM, safety issues)
file manipulation (i.e finding, storing and moving files on and off a PC)
podcasts (finding, using and creating ones)
Skype (An introduction to the main ideas and skypecasting)
Wikis (use, modification and creation)
digital video and photography using digital cameras and mobile phones

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