Friday, January 5, 2007

Five things about me meme

I was tagged for this by Peregrinations.

1 I'm the first person in my family to be formally educated beyond 15 years of age. It came as much a surprise to me as anyone else that you could study beyond 18. Still, one Ba and an Ma later, I reckon I've just got started.

2 I taught myself to read and write Greek. Once I'd been here a few months I thought I'd better hit the books. By the way, I was an awful language learner at school and drove my French teacher crazy, poor soul.

3 I once drove a Vespa from Athens to Rome. Two people, one hell of a lot of luggage and 24 hours later we arrived in the Eternal City. Roman Holiday all over again, sigh.

4 I once had to sing "Grease is the Word" to A couple of hundred kids in Poland. An experience neither they nor I wish to relive.

5 I used to spend my summer holidays in Tipperary, Ireland when I was a kid as my grandmother had a small farm there.

I tag Theodora p, TooManyTribbles, FCE BLog, Lightning Rod Girl, Lingual Bee

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