Friday, August 24, 2007

EFL/ESL teaching and web 2.0 - an introductory course

emile, originally uploaded by smallcaps.

As the new school year is nearly upon us I would like to repost something I did last year. Basically, it is an introductory course in the form of a Wiki for teachers wishing to use web 2.0 tools in the classroom. Although designed primarily for EFL/ESL it has ideas that could quite happily be used teaching any language. Click here to see the course in full.

An Introduction

The aim of this site is to provide EFL or ESL students with enough technical knowledge to use the internet independently to study. It covers a range of skills from basic file management to producing podcasts. It is aimed at those with limited or minimal computer skills and so often deals with very basic issues which may put off more advanced users. However, in classes with mixed levels of competence in computing the more knowledgeable can quite happily be used by the teacher as a learning resource.

In terms of linguistic competence, I would argue that the course is pitched at upper intermediate students and above. (Common European Framework B2 to C2 levels). However, with enough linguistic support, it could be used with students at lower levels.

The course could also be used to introduce L2 teachers to the use of technology in their lessons.

The lessons are designed to be as "hands-on" as possible. In every lesson the learner has to produce something tangible at the end of the time, be it a blog entry, short podcast, a Wiki etc. In addition group and pair work is absolutely vital if the skills taught are to be mastered. At every turn I have made every effort to make the exercises collaborative, taking as much responsibility for learning out of the hands of the teacher and putting it into those of the learners.Click here to see the whole course.

If you need any help you can email me.

Special thanks to Vicky Davis (Cool Cat Teacher) for making the Wiki space look as good as it does.

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