Saturday, January 5, 2008

Helping out

He called himself Manoulis

I got the chance to help someone yesterday. While buying bread in the centre I bumped into Manolis, who I often see busking in Aristotelous Square. We always chat and catch up on our news. Unfortunately, after 10 years residence in Greece he was served with a notice telling him that he had 30 days to quit the country. As you can imagine the man was gutted and at a loss as to what to do. He has no money to hire a lawyer to fight this decision and without his papers he becomes a non - person unable to earn a living, living in fear of every cop or official who crosses his path.

Luckily, I was able to put him contact with a lawyer friend who specialises in such cases and a after a couple of calls later we were able to pop by his office and at least see if his case could be contested.

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