Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dimosthenes Liakopoulos - The Voice of Salonika

Well, I feel a tad let down by Mr Liakopulos, to tell you the truth. I went downtown this morning to check out the hordes ravenous for truth and enlightenment, ready to find out about the secret organisations and cabals that control our lives, to finally discover the real story behind UFOs. After listening to his TV performance last night I was ready to fight my way into the book store here in the centre, I had even brought my own shopping trolley, ready to stock up on his precious works. Alas I must have missed the crowds as when I passed by the place was empty, however, there were still plenty of great works on display. Phew, I thought I'd missed my chance to finally see into the heart of things.

My particular favourite is the series of books that “proves” every single civilisation on Earth was in fact Greek, that indeed the whole planet is Greek. Something that must come as quite a shock to scholars of , say the Aztec, Inca and Zoltec cultures. Indeed nearly every single scientific discovery or technological advance is Greek as well. I'm eagerly waiting for them to prove that the Ipod was the work of Plato, still give them enough time and they'll get there.

Snide comments aside though, The smaller TV channels here are full of like - minded, chauvanist crap, each one spewing hour after hour of revanchist hate talk aimed at establishing the superiority of Greeks and Greek culture while denigrating other nations and ethnic groups. Anti-semitism walks hand – in - hand with lectures of the alleged superiority of the greek language, while talk of secret Vatican plots easily blends in with anti-immigrant rants. It would be easy just to write off these idiots as a crazy, lunatic fringe, yet history teaches us that such people can have disasterous effects on the body politic. The Nazis, for instance had their mystics and ideologues, who mixed racial theories with Nordic mythology.

The other problem is that such groups have access to TV broadcast technology which means such racist outpouring is not just limited to beer kellers or church halls but has a potential audience of millions.

If you've seen V For Vendetta's Voice of London then you will have a pretty good idea of what is going on here. Hell, Prothero and the presenters here even look alike.

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