Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9/11

Where were you when you heard about 9/11?

I suppose this will be one of those questions that will mark out a whole generation. Just as people talked about where they were when Kennedy was assassinated. For my own part, I remember I was idly zapping through the TV channels when the first footage of the attack was aired, about ten in the morning, Greek time. This was even before the second plane had hit the other Twin Tower. Like most other people my immediate reaction was that there had been a terrible accident. However, after the second plane crashed I realised that this was not just some hideous coincidence but rather a deliberate act . As the day wore on the sheer enormity of what had taken place started to hit home and the feeling of shock was replaced by anger, pity and grief.

The images of people jumping to their deaths live on TV is something will haunt me for the rest of my life. Some things once seen cannot be unseen

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