Wednesday, October 4, 2006

T-shirt lesson plan for EFL/ESL

T-shirt lesson plan

I've been experimenting with some t-shirt designs over the last couple of days. My inspiration comes from various stores that I've seen lately that have some absolutely brilliant t-shirt designs and I thought that we could do something similar in a lesson.

You'll need to get some blank t-shirts and transfers for all the students in your class.

1 Explain to students that they're going to design a class t-shirt and that have to find an image or logo from the internet.

2 Students spend 10 to 20 minutes on the internet (if they have access in class). Otherwise set this for homework.

3 The students bring the images to class (they can be e-mailed to the teacher, posted on their blog or students can simply make a note of the address).

4 The students the debate which image should be used. This could be done as a pyramid exercise. You could also ask them to come up with a class slogan or nickname.

5 When students have decided the print out the image as a transfer, most printers, even the cheapest ones (like mine, for example) can do this.

6 Take a group photo with everyone wearing their t-shirts and post it on their blog.

Why do all this? Well, I believe this builds up community in class and that, on its own is a tremendously powerful tool for achieving our educational goals. Also, it is cheap and easily done. What more could an educator want ?

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