Thursday, July 13, 2006

Stray thoughts, like bullets can be dangerous

The problem with books is that they make you think. Really good books make you think more than is comfortable. They stay in you head, dogging your thought, intruding on everyday life in a way that makes you see thing differently, whether you like it or not. They stray from their boundaries into how you see the world and people around you. It is very disconcerting, almost like a dream, or even nightmare that doesn't stop once you wake up.

Many of the books I've read lately have fallen into this category, but none more than The Handmaid's Tale. Reading it today I couldn't help but remember The Education of Frederic Douglass, an American Slave by Frederic Douglass(click here for an excellent reading) when the main character realises the she is now totally dependent on her husband economically. It reminded me of the chapter in Douglass's book which charts the awful change that a women who becomes a slave owner for the first time goes through.


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